Water softeners

Water softeners

Type of water softeners

Besides Mediagon Water Treatment, there are many other brands and products on the market. For convenience, we name this group 'water softeners'. Examples of water softeners are:

  • Ion exchanger
  • Magnetic water softener
  • Reverse osmosis

The Mediagon Water Treatment technology does not use magnets, salt, chemicals or electricity. Therefore, our systems do not fall under any of the above categories. With our technology, the water flows through many fine static fields. This causes the lime to change in structure. From hard limescale to a soft limescale solution.

Mediagon Water Treatment is the only company in the industry to have a European patent. In addition, the effect of Mediagon has been tested by the TÜV in Stuttgart. Mediagon water treatment systems are sold worldwide and in Switzerland and Germany we already have more than 102.000 customers.


Technical functioning of water softeners

Below, the three types of water softeners mentioned above are discussed. Based on their function, advantages and disadvantages, we compare the water softeners with each other.

  • Ion exchanger
    Also known as the classic water softener. The water is softened by removing the calcium (lime) and magnesium minerals from the water. The operation is based on synthetic resin. The water flows through a tank filled with synthetic resin beads, which are saturated with sodium. While the water flows through the tank, the minerals calcium and magnesium stick to the resin beads and the sodium ends up in the water. As a result, the sodium is exchanged for calcium and magnesium. When the resin beads have reached their capacity and are saturated, the ion exchanger initiates a regeneration cycle. While regenerating, the resin beads are rinsed clean with a sodium solution. This solution gets discharged through the sewer. After, the process starts again.
  • Magnetic water softener
    A water softener magnet is based on strong magnets placed around the water pipe. These magnets ensure that the calcium minerals can no longer settle. Want to find out already now wheter a magnetic water softener really works?
    Read on here
  • Reverse osmosis
    The reverse osmis systems are based on filtration. The water is pumped, under high pressure, through various filters. Minerals, salt and other substances are filtered out of the water - with demineralized water as a result. Demineralized water is also known as distilled water or purified water. A reverse osmosis device is suitable for laboratories, where the usage of distilled water is required.


The advantages and disadvantages of water softeners

Ion exchanger

Ion exchanger


  • Lime is removed from the water
  • The water is safe to drink 


  • Healthy minerals disappear
  • Periodically purchase of salt
  • Salt ends up in the water system
  • The system requires regeneration
  • Extra water consumption during regeneration
  • Flushing required after inactivity
  • No protection against corrosion
  • Harmful for the environment

First of all, the lime is completely removed from the water when using a water softener. The water is therefore 100% lime-free.

However, there are several downsides to water softeners.

Ion exchangers are based on salt. The healthy minerals calcium and magnesium are removed from the water and replaced by salt. The salt must be purchased periodically, in order to keep the device working. In addition, the used salt ends up in our water system, which is harmful to our environment. As soon as the ion exchanger is full, the system must regenerate itself. During this regeneration, the ion exchanger consumes a large amount of extra water. This has a negative impact on the environment as well as on your water consumption. Finally, the ion exchanger must be flushed after a period of inactivity. This also leads to an increase in water consumption. 

Magnetic water softener

Magnetic water softener


  • Low price
  • No maintenaince


  • Lack of scientific evidence
  • No protection against corrosion 

Unfortunately, there is little known about magnetic water softeners. The information that is present, is mainly negative. The fully functioning of a magnetic water softener could only take place at a convergence of ideal circumstances. In order to achieve this, the magnetic field must be strong enough, the water composition must be optimal and the flow velocity of the water must remain at a constant level. 

For the price of one Mediagon water treatment system you can purchase between 6 and 35 magnetic water softeners. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis


  • Lime is removed from the water
  • Suitable for laboratory facilities


  • Healthy minerals are removed from the water
  • Risk of mineral deficiency
  • Water loss during rinsing process
  • Susceptible to contamination
  • Maintenance costs
  • Installation costs
  • Connecting on the water outlet
  • No protection against corrosion

Just like an ion exchanger, the reverse osmosis system completely removes the lime from the water.

However, during this process other healthy substances are also removed from the water. As a result, the water is demineralized – better known as distilled water. Distilled water is crucial for laboratories, but not for private households. Distilled water not only has an unpleasant taste, but is also free of any healthy minerals. 

The membrane must be flushed regularly to avoid clogging. Rinsing involves high water and energy consumption. About three liters of drinking water are required to prepare one liter of osmosis water. If the osmosis filter is not used and maintained properly, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and thus pose health risks.

In addition, a reverse osmis system does not protect against corrosion and the system must be connected to the water outlet. This entails both installation and maintenance costs. 


Soft lime instead of soft water

Mediagon ensures that lime is converted into small particles that simply wash away with the water flow. However, all healthy and necessary minerals are retained in the water. Below you find a total overview in which Mediagon is compared with the three earlier mentioned water softening systems. 

Total overview Mediagon vs. Water softeners

 MediagonIon exchangerMagnetic water softenerReverse osmosis 
Prevents limescale Yes Yes  Yes 
Prevents corrosion Yes  No  No  No 
Changes taste of water No  Yes  No  Yes 
Preservation of minerals  Yes No Yes  No 
Adds substances  No Yes  No  Yes 
Use of salt No  Yes  No  No 
Power consumption  No Yes  Sometimes  No 
Connection to the drain  No  Yes  No  Yes 
Installation costs Self-installation  Yes  No  Yes
Maintenance costs  No Yes  No  Yes 
Extra space required No  Yes No  Yes 

With Mediagon water treatment you can rely on a technology that has been active on the market since 1988. We are proud of our large number of customers. Not only private households, but also industrial customers rely on our Mediagon technology. 

Select the type of water treatment that is right for you here.
